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Round Trip Roundup: JULY

Learning to be present is an art. If you’re anything like me, you often fall into the black hole called “the grass is greener on the other side.” The month of July intermingled both rich adventure and deep homesickness. As I scrolled through this month’s photos, I was taken aback at how many new things I did from binge watching an entire TV show in two weeks (more on that later) to all the new restaurants I tried.

It’s easy to focus on my many longings while being away this summer: I miss my friends, I miss my family, I miss my community, I miss my routine. Although healthy to a degree, these feelings inevitably distract from this sweet summer in Dallas: new restaurants, new stores, always adventuring. My remaining time in Dallas is brief, but these final moments down south will be spent savoring not longing.

Like I said, this month has been a whirlwind — here’s my top 5 for July:

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1 . Class Pass

High key salty that I now just heard of Class Pass. It’s an app that connects you with local studios and gyms, and you pay monthly for a limited amount of credits to be used at these spots. With my introductory offer of $30 off (here’s $30 off for you, too!), I was able to attend three Pure Barre classes at the price of $9 — and still have credits left over. As a reference, Barre classes are $24 at full price.

I do love Barre, but I like doing other types of exercise whether that’s yoga, Zumba or plain elliptical time. Class Pass lets you go to a variety of spots for one price, and I’m all about it.

2 . Gal pals who travel

Having a travel blog means people are always asking, “Where are you traveling this summer?” And even though this summer has been spent mainly in Dallas, I’ve done plenty of exploring.

On the other hand, I’m grateful that I have likeminded sorority sisters who are chasing adventures of their own. This month I interviewed my sister Caitlyn on the best things to do in Oahu as well as Annika on how to travel Florence.

3 . Target Finds

I’m weak when it comes to that red Target bullseye. I’m a Target girl through and through, and making a run to this store before any trip is a must. Here are my favorite travel toiletries from Target.

4 . Staycation

As I’d mentioned, I haven’t done a lot of traveling in the traditional sense. Most of my excursions have been a staycation in Dallas, and to be honest, that’s a-okay with me. Dallas has blown me away with its mouthwatering nosh and bumpin’ nightlife. I celebrated France’s Independence Day at Bastille on Bishop’s bash where I chowed down a macaron ice cream sandwich. Lula B’s kept me company on a Saturday afternoon as I wove through the many aisles and booths of antiques. A smidge outside of Dallas, Plano surprised me with its urban vibes and massive food hall. Thanks to a gift card, I found my new favorite coffee shop called La La Land with its trademark of vibrant yellow throughout the store. I can’t recommend the French Toast latte enough.

5 . Stranger Things

For most of my life, I haven’t been a TV person. It’s hard to sit still, it feels unproductive. If I’m watching TV or a movie, I often am scrolling on my phone or tapping away on my laptop.

But with Stranger Things, it was different. I started Season 1 this month, and less than two weeks later, I’d finished Season 3. And let me tell you, the withdrawal is real. I’ve been browsing Target’s series merchandise, and a Stranger Things-themed party is already in the works. I am obsessed and would love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments!

All in all, this summer has been one of growth, not always easy but with pockets of excitement. August promises a flurry of busyness, but there’s a time for everything and I’m looking forward to this next season.

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