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How to Start a Blog

I get it. You have a lot to say, and you need to say it. The great thing about the internet is that there’s virtually limitless, free space to share your thoughts. Yes, there are thousands of blogs out on the web, but I believe everyone has a story and valuable things to say. And people are reading blogs: 77% of internet users are reading blogs, which means this is so much room to grow — especially in this almost fully digital world due to the coronavirus.

If you’re looking to start a blog, here are the basic steps to get you up and running. Happy writing!

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Pick a topic that you are an expert on or have a particular fascination

Maybe it’s recipes. Maybe it’s styling. Maybe it’s graphic design. Maybe it’s organization or home remedies. Maybe you like to travel like me. Maybe you love writing about your faith. Pick a niche, and write out specifically what this is, even if just for yourself.

Find a platform

I use WordPress and don’t ever plan on switching. I started on tumblr, but for my content, that platform doesn’t make much sense. I switched over the WordPress, and while it’s not perfect, it’s mainstream and has lots of options and a great website just for how to work the site. I have the Premium Plan and really like how I’m able to monetize some.

Make a list of 10 to 15 post ideas

Maybe you’re obsessed with bullet journaling and want to start a blog about it. You might be able to, but taking the time to come up with several handfuls of post ideas might make you realize it’s too narrow. Your blog could be about DIY art instead of just bullet journaling. You want it to be broad enough but also not too random.

Allow changes

Give yourself the grace to be imperfect. If you scroll back to the beginning of my blog … RIP! Those posts are rough, but I was learning and growing as a writer and blogger. Your niche might change or become more focused. Try not to do an entire rebrand, but if you’re growing as a person, your blog will too.

Brainstorm blog titles

Next up, a title. Come up with a lot, and run these blog titles by someone else. The name will be on your social handles, Google searches, etc. Be sure to like it before you get moving.

Make a schedule or goal

Maybe it’s posting once per week or once per month. I started blogging over four years ago, but I wasn’t truly consistent until almost two years into blogging. I wanted to take myself and my blog more seriously, so I decided to post every Wednesday and haven’t stopped.

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Don’t be afraid to promote yourself

For some reason, I was embarrassed or somewhat bashful about having a blog. It wasn’t until months, maybe even over a year, that I truly began to promote myself. You have important things to say, and hopefully, your blog is making people’s lives easier, more colorful, more fun, more interesting, you name it! Why wouldn’t you share it? You might want to take several weeks or months to get your blog up and on its feet, but eventually, it’s time to share away.

More resources

The best way to learn how to blog is reading other blogs. If you’re wanting to start a travel blog. If you’re wanting to make money through your blog. Some of my favorites are Helene in Between, World of Wanderlust and Melyssa Griffin. What are some of your favorite resources?

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