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Round Trip Roundup: APRIL

Anxious jitters. Constantly checking email. Working out constantly to funnel my restless energy. Unknown. April was a month of anticipation, and as it’s coming to a close, I cannot help but be overwhelmed with gratefulness. Summer plans have been up in the air, and being the type A girl who has to be in control that I am, this was an involuntary lesson in patience. Sometimes we wait for people or things that never come, but this time around, it came for me. Although the first part of the month was marked by knots in my stomach and little sleep, the second part has been filled with huge smiles and Pinterest binges. That being said, here’s what’s been going on this month:

1 . I’m moving to Dallas!

This month I accepted a summer position at a magazine in Dallas, Texas, and I could not be more stoked! Searching for jobs and internships is one of the most tiring and frustrating experiences, but it made the acceptance call all that much more exhilarating. Although I’ve been to Waco, I’ve only ever driven through Dallas, which means I’ve been living in a black hole on Pinterest looking up all the Dallas things. (Comment your favorite places, restaurants, tips, sights, etc.) I’m nervous to move to a new city, but I’m am beyond elated for this career opportunity and a new city to explore!

2 . Easter brunch + good weather (finally!)

Like I mentioned, this month has been a bit hectic. I’m so easily sucked into my own world of what ifs, to do list tasks and what’s next on the agenda. I wind up in knots by the end of the day and wonder why. It’s because life is more than just achievements and task lists; it’s about building community and friendship. On Easter, I brunched with some fun friends, and it was such a great day to celebrate Easter Sunday, linger in conversation, enjoy the sunshine and eat a gluten-free coffee cake that takes me to another world.

3 . Super fun collab on Russia

One of the things I love most about travel is the inevitability of connecting with others across the globe. On my recent tour through Europe, I met Sasha at one of our sessions in Brussels. She’s from Russia and was so kind to tend to my curiosity about a place I’ve never visited. We’ve become Instagram friends and even found that we have a mutual friend who lives in Arkansas with her. I’m telling you, it’s a small world we live in after all. I asked her to give the local’s guide to Moscow, and she tells all.

4 . Scrapbooking

I know, I know. Digital is the future, I get it. But I’m still hopelessly in love with print. I’ve been working on two scrapbooks: one made through Shutterfly on my European adventure, another with plastic sleeves for photos over the past few years. Because posting something on Instagram and printing it out are not the same thing. Print is not dying, and even if it is, I won’t give up 🙂

5 . Best travel gear

This is one of the questions I get asked most, so I decided to share my favorite tips in post form. From the comfiest shoes to the best portable charger, I got you covered.

AND SURPRISE!! I’m giving my book 40 Ways to Travel Better away. Enter now!

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