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Round Trip Roundup: MARCH

Sixth grade didn’t seem so long ago, thanks to the Jonas Brothers getting back together with their new single “Sucker.” March was packed with revisiting my sixth grade boy band obsession (it was bad, let me tell you), keeping busy at work and school and traveling to New York. The weather is warming up, and I can feel my mood exponentially improving with every ray of sunshine. Here’s my top 5 for the month:

1. Jonas Brothers reunion party

And I’m not sorry about it – not to be confused with “You’re Not Sorry.” I started a fan club for the beloved brother trio in middle school and wrote a newsletter magazine with finish the lyrics, mini news stories and scented trading cards. Don’t ask.

To celebrate their comeback, I made a reunion magazine with four freelance writers and hosted a party complete with themed snacks: “Cake by the Ocean” cinnamon cake, “Rosé Garden” sparkling juice, “Sucker” suckers and “Jeal(ly)ous” jam assortment. The Jonas Brothers even favorited one of my tweets! You could say I hit my peak.

2. NYC

This month also saw a brief trip to the Big Apple with my dad. We perused the art of Monet, Manet, Degas and other talented artists at the Frick Collection. I snacked on macarons at Ladurée and consumed one of the best carne asada tacos of my life at Chelsea Market. We saw Mean Girls on Broadway, and you know I’ll be dishing all the deets on the blog soon!

3. Time with fam

My sister and I attended the True False Film Fest, a weekend-long festival of documentaries. The following weekend, my mom came and visited me for a girls’ weekend. You know there was shopping involved! I also tagged along on a work trip to NYC with my dad. Let’s just say I had lots of quality time with my family this month, and I am not complaining.

4. Reader hangouts

Travel is one of my favorite things in the entire world; I truly just sit and daydream about it. I keep a running bucket list in the notes section of my phone and am always scrolling Pinterest for new trips and tips. It makes my heart sing when readers reach out and ask to get coffee to discuss their upcoming travel plans. This month saw my third meeting with people who reached out to me and wanted to chat. I love nothing more than hearing about what destinations give you butterflies and connecting with readers. If you want to drop a line at, that would make my day!

5. My favorite travel resources

If you’ve been reading Round Trip for awhile, you might have picked up on some of my favorite resources and bloggers. But I’ve compiled some of my top resources into one post: How to Plan Your Next Trip Like A Pro. And if I missed one of your favorites, please share in the comments.

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