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Round Trip Roundup: FEBRUARY

The fact that I started drafting on the last day of the month might give you a clue that I’ve been beyond swamped.  And even when I looked back, the last 28 days just seem like a random slew of events.  It’s been such a sweet month with many firsts, but at the same time, it’s a sensory overload.  My friend Cate calls it vulnerability hangover when you’ve been pouring yourself and your heart out day in and day out.  But this is me trying to boil my month down into my top 5:

1. Unstructured quality time is a must

I absolutely love a night out on the town and doing fun, exciting things.  But there’s something to say for chill time.  Cate and I have started watching a tv series together, and while yes, we’ve been staring at a screen, it’s been a great conversation starter.  And lounging on a couch eating popcorn with your gal pal is always a win.

2. Community, community, community

I get all my head so easily–I shouldn’t have done this, I’m not enough, why didn’t I, next time I should…  It’s easy to let anxiety take over, but one of the biggest helps has been my community of friends and family.  There’s definitely a place for talk therapy, but sometimes all we need is a good phone call with Mama or coffee date with a gal pal.

3. Breathe

I recently attended a mindfulness workshop, and within the first few minutes, I realized how clenched my mind and body both were.  I realized how short my breath had been, how I’d neglected to take care of myself, how I’d been running through the motions for too long.  Yoga is one way I choose to take care of myself, to meditate and to remember what matters.  (If you’re balling on a budget, I’d recommend the Sworkit app, which comes with free yoga instruction.)

4. The arts

I’m a very practical person–eat, workout, shower, sleep, work my way down the to-do list.  But sometimes it’s so good to better yourself when it’s not for a grade, not for a report.  The arts are so essential to this life!  This month I went to an art gallery showing with one of my friends and have had the chance to get back into poetry for a class (albeit in French!).

5. Sometimes you’re just gonna tread

In terms of accomplishments for this month, I don’t feel as if I have much to show.  Sometimes life hits you, and you gotta roll with the punches.  It may mean checking one fewer thing off your to-do list and doing a facial or going to the gym instead.

This month was an absolute whirlwind, but it’s vital that we slow down to process and to take life as it comes.

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