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Round Trip Roundup: JANUARY

This month was a whirlwind to say the least.  From staying in Atlanta for a hot sec’ to living it up in New York City, I didn’t have many moments to spare.  I’m honestly out of breath thinking about everything I did this month!  That being said, here is my top 5 for the month:

1. Blitz of a trip to Atlanta

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Atlanta—think single digit age!  Even though I only spent 48 hours in Atlanta for a conference, I enjoyed exploring the city on New Year’s Day, but one thing really surprised me about things down south.  Read more here.

2. Living the high life in New York City

I’d never been to New York City before, and my first time there was no disappointment.  It truly was all that I imagined and more.  From the intense city energy to the wide range of cultures, I fell in love with every inch of this city—even if I did freeze my booty off.  Post to come.

3. Self-care in times of change and adjustment

Returning to school is always exciting, but it comes with much change and stress.  This month I decided to focus extra on self-care because of all the new things piling up on my plate. This meant forgoing some social time for “me time.”  It meant choosing to watch “How I Met Your Mother” and going to bed at a reasonable time even though there was (and is) always more to be done.  You are your number one advocate, and you’ll need to pursue self-care so you don’t crash and burn.  (I know from experience!)

4. Adulting is hard, so sometimes you gotta be a kid

Can I get an amen?  Being a big kid isn’t always fun.  It’s stressful and makes you want to cry and hide in a corner sometimes.  This month has been draining, but in the chaos, we can choose to rest and relax.  And for me this month, that meant going rollerblading with my gal pals, which I easily haven’t done since grade school.  Life gets so serious that sometimes you need to throw on a pair of overalls and a fanny pack and skate away from the stress.

5. Lipstick=Confidence (just ask science)

I love getting dolled up, and recently I stumbled across a Verily article that cited research that this improves confidence.  According to this Edith Cowan University research, “lipstick has a valuable role to play in constructing self-identity and providing understanding in how women experience appearance in their daily lives.”

I may have spent two euros for this pink lipstick on sale in France, but I love wearing it.  It’s fun and flirty, and I feel so put together.  (And now science says so too.)

The beginning of the year holds so many unknowns, but in that, we can find excitement for all the good things coming our way this year.

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