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Round Trip Roundup: AUGUST

Does your life ever feel like a blur?  Because that’s exactly what this past month of August was.  I had some incredible experiences this summer in France like staying in a castle for a long weekend.  But there’s no place like home, and I spent some time recovering from my summer adventures.  Here are my top 5 for the month:

1. Family time is oh-so sweet!

They eat all the Honey Nut Cheerios, can’t make up their mind on a radio station and steal your toothbrush (true story, but we’re moving forward).  Despite driving me crazy, my family was incredible when it came to adjusting back into American culture.  The fam greeted me with big signs and bigger hugs at the airport, which is a moment I will cherish for many years.  After being abroad for so long, I spent the first several weeks home resting, relaxing and rooting for the Cardinals all with my family!

2. Foster the People

I’ve known about this band for awhile, but needing a music update, I added some songs from this one-hit-wonder band.  While “Pumped Up Kicks” is their famed song, I keep finding myself putting “Sit Next to Me” on repeat.  Their chill yet unique vibe adds a pop of excitement in my day.

3. New planner, new me.

I love buying stuff—even if it’s not for me.  It’s important to not go overboard, but I truly believe that you don’t need a crazy revelation to be inspired.  I bought a new planner, and it’s inspired me to jump back into the school year ready and organized.  (Oh, and it comes with stickers!)

4. “How was France?!”

If I had a dime for every time I heard this question in August, I’d already have a round trip ticket back to France.  Sure, this question got a bit redundant, but it forced me to process and to realize wow, I did some hard things this summer.  Being back in the U.S.A., I’m realizing how much I grew in knowledge and understanding from French language to cultural adaptation.

5. Reverse culture shock

As excited as I was to return home, life has been overstimulating to say the least.  Americans eat dinner so early, make big breakfasts and finish meals quickly.  And as much as I didn’t like the bises, it’s weird not giving everyone kisses on the cheek.  I’m still processing, but in this readjustment period, I’m 10/10 grateful for air conditioning and hugs (a rarity in France)!

Summing up this month is hard because it feels like a bunch of random events strewn together.  But honestly, that’s life sometimes.  Looking forward to getting into a new routine this semester and getting settled back in the U.S. of A.

{How do you deal with the blur of busyness?}


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