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Round Trip Roundup: FEBRUARY

The first two months of the year tend to be a drag and take their sweet time movin’ along.  But this year and specifically February, I’ve barely been able to catch my breath!  Here’s a look at my top five new things for this month:

  1. Hozier-I listen to so much freakin’ music.  When I walking, working or resting, I have my headphones in and my tunes on.  Music helps me relax and focus, but when you listen to a ridiculous amount, you begin to tire of your playlists.  This month I added a new album to my playlist, Hozier by Hozier.  I’ve listened to several of their songs, but I really enjoy the entire album’s chill and unique vibe.  Some of my favorites from this album: “Jackie and Wilson,” “From Eden” and “Someone New.”
  2. Altar’d State Black Jumpsuit-I bought this jumpsuit on a whim during a sale months ago but just pulled it out to wear it for the first time this month.  And oh, snap!  It’s classy and requires little accessorizing to complete the outfit.  I think this may be my new go-to outfit for many, many future occasions.
  3. French Bible-If you’re new here, you may not know that I’m low-key obsessed with the French language and am a wannabe francophile.  I recently ordered a French Bible to prepare for my summer in France, and while I may not understand most of it, it enamors me.  Travel isn’t just about taking a trip; it’s choosing to engage the unknown in the comfortable.
  4. Cat Earrings-Leave it to your mom to make you feel loved on Valentine’s Day with some classy cat pearl earrings and a giant neon pink cat card (because what else?!).  Sense a common theme here?  This month I’m reminded of the big value and encouragement of seemingly little and menial things like handwritten notes and small gifts.
  5. BREATHE.  This has been my motto for the month because life has been beyond hectic.  With a crazy big workload and a new editorial assistant position, I’ve had little time to do the basic things like eat and sleep.  I’ve had to deliberately choose to stop working to pick up a copy of Darling magazine or color (because adult coloring is actually so wonderful).

This month has been anything but smooth and calm.  But even in the chaos, it’s important to rest and find enjoyment (read: cat earrings) in the chaos.  Chin up, friends: spring is almost here!!



{What was the best part of your month?}


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