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4 Travel Playlists for Every Woman

You’ve already scoured Pinterest for packing lists.  And downloaded an app or two to help you remember everything to include in your suitcase.  (But we won’t mention the break you took to watch those Olympian kitties…)  ANYWAY you have all the right ingredients including ways to help motivate you, but you need some tunes to get you groovin’ so that bag gets packed.  Or maybe you need some vibes to keep your journey there fresh.  Look no further:

FIERCE: for all you women-power bosses

FUN: for the upbeat gal who loves to dance

FOCUS: for the girl who loves to think and reflect DONE

FRENCH: for the mademoiselle who needs some oh-là-là vibes in her life

Get a playlist going, and try Spotify’s Discover Weekly for suggested music similar to your taste (which is how I find most of my new music and bonus: this is not an affiliate/sponsored post!).  Listen to movie soundtracks (I have a particular affection for the Monte Carlo soundtrack).  On the road and wishing you’d finally be on the road, don’t forget those tunes to keep you pumped for the journey ahead.



{What music do you like listening to while you pack and travel?}

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