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How to Bust Your Boredom on Your Next Flight

Nothing’s worse than having to sit for hours in a stuffy car or plane thinking about the salty waves and warm sand you’ll be feeling soon.  Here are several items you should bring along with you to pass the time quickly.

1. Headphones and a long playlist

Music can be a great way to pass the time and get your mind off the distance between you and the ground below you.  Making a 10 hour playlist for my plane ride to London was a fabulous decision–I even added an album I’d never listened to that my sister had recommended!  This made me look forward to something new.  Download lots of new music before your next adventure.  Spotify is also a good idea if you’re not sure what to put on your playlist.  There’s plenty pre-made playlists for every genre.  And if you pay for a premium subscription, you can listen offline and therefore, on the road and in the air.

2. Granola bars

Plane food is definitely not known for its gourmet quality–neither are fast food places during your road trip.  Add some granola bars or snack foods in your bag to keep your stomach from growling the whole journey because sometimes you can’t stomach fish (?) twice in one flight #truestory

Packing some snacks can also save you time if you’re on the road, getting you to your charming cabin in the woods even sooner.

3. Books and magazines

Immersing yourself in a different story or an exciting article can make any ride move along much more quickly.  Pick up some light reads from your local library or Target before you head out.  Finding novels set in the places you plan to visit can also get you psyched for the trip and maybe learn some new things.

4. Notebook

This is an absolute essential for travel.  When I visited Paris, I was so glad I had a Moleskine City Notebook for Paris.  It contained a city map, metro map, and plenty of spots and spaces to write down your favorite foods, finds, and fond memories there.  Bringing a travel journal will help you pass time by writing about the trek there!.

5. Chewing gum

This ultra-useful commodity is helpful for more than your “popping” ears in changing altitudes. It fights bad breath and incessant hunger.  Trust me, the people sitting near you will thank you.

6. Itinerary

Keeping an itinerary on hand can keep you excited for your trip as well as prepared for the day ahead once you arrive.  Keeping other useful information such as the hotel address or tour director’s phone number on hand are necessities.

7. Guide book for your destination

Having a book with lists of sights, restaurants and places to visit for the destination you’re about to visit can get you focused on the fun you’re about to have as well as possibly give you some last minute ideas on the way there.

How do you fight boredom as you’re awaiting your next adventure?

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